

Definition of Mimi

20191118 001076 2 minutes Puppies, Affectionate Cats, Itchy feet and wiggly body Wagging tail and twitching nose Ears pricked for squeaks and scuffles Eyes alert, tense pose. George, the cat, affectionate but lonely. Mimi wants him on toast for tea. He tries to snuggle and walks beneath her But doesn’t appreciate how dangerous that be. The leash is tight and holds her close. The desired quarry is beyond her reach. She quivers with anticipation Is deaf and blind to my beseech. The calm of the compound is shattered. Summer has ended; Fall’s sojourn is fleet. We know about the East [...]

Richard (2)

Felix Mendelssohn wrote Songs without Words. This is a Song without Music 20191118 00175 8 minutes Memories, Aida, 72nd Birthday, Brother, Prostate Cancer It is the triumphal march from Aida that has finally got to me. When he heard I was coming over for his birthday, he was mad as hell. He wrote a letter, but was persuaded not to send it. He asked why I was coming. I told him I wanted a hug. That seemed to pacify him. When he heard my daughter, Sheryl, was coming too, Eileen said he was looking forward to seeing us, if a [...]

Cookbooks (2)

20191106 001074 12 minutes Cookbooks, History of Cookbooks The Rumford Roaster, Benjamin Thompson's gargantuan stove, started the avalanche of inventions which revolutionized kitchen equipment and how cooking was done. "Thousands of carefully cherished books, on the pages of which women had written their ‘receipts’ laboriously and handed them down from mother to daughter, suddenly became as outdated as Eve's fig leaf," according to the American Woman's Home. Recipe books for open fire cooking were no longer relevant and cook books for the new stoves appeared to handle the new equipment. Cookbooks were the culinary bibles of our mothers and grandmothers [...]

The Angels’ Laundry Party

20191106 00173 2-1/2 minutes Children’s Poetry, Angels, Dirty Clouds The clouds have been outside making mudpies They were playing nicely, keeping themselves clean. Then, like naughty little boys they started throwing them Hitting each other and making such a scene. The black clouds that we see should be a warning Of what is going to happen to us next. The head angel is going to throw a party She has become extraordinarily vexed. It’s her responsibility to keep the clouds clean They usually try to heed her rules But sometimes her instructions get forgotten And they revert to being naughty [...]

Puppy Love

20191104 00172 2-1/2 Puppies, Demolition Expert, I’ve discovered why I love you. You think everything is a game. Life’s a game. However bad I feel, However much I scold you, You think it’s a game. If I dare to open my eyes, When I wake up in the morning, You are there, lying in wait. You pounce, Tail wagging, And greet me with a big slobbery kiss. How can anyone be cross with that? Even though you shouldn’t be on the bed? You cajole me into thinking getting up is appropriate, That today will not be a disaster, No matter [...]