20191010 001050 4 minutes
Country Life, DIY, Dreams, Reality, Metamorphasis
When I saw the cabin I fell in love with it immediately.
The landlord agreed that more space was needed.
He also agreed I could do what I liked to achieve it.
Initially I wanted a barn with a storage rooms upstairs.
Then reality stepped in. The barn was fine
But the foundation cost almost as much.
Reality check:
Back to the drawing board.
Next it would be a one-storey barn,
Move the shed and add extra storage.
Reality check: Still too expensive.
Back to the drawing board.
How about adding a “two-car garage” tent.
Move the shed back off the edge of the hill,
And fix that up?
Reality check said: “O.K.”
What had I taken on?!
1. Find someone crazy enough to agree to do it.
2. Get the landlord’s agreement.
3. Permits.
4. Find the “2-car garage” kit.
5. Empty the shed into the “garage.”
6. Big machine to move the shed – would it fall to pieces?
7. What would it need to make it properly useable?
a. Level the building
b. Raise the sides, they’re not high enough for bookshelves
c. Windows and doors
d. Siding and roof
e. Electricity
f. Floor and ceiling
g. Insulation and sheetrock
h. Painting
8. DO IT.
9. Fix up the shed to make a writing studio/workshop.
a. Light fixtures, carpets, bookcases, desk, couch.
10. Empty the storage places into the “garage.”
11. Get writing.
We’re nearly there.
The shed no longer is trying to fall down the hill.
It’s not as big as I wanted.
It’s not as high as I wanted.
It doesn’t have as much wall-space or glass as I wanted.
But the reality check has checked it out and approves,
And my bank manager hasn’t complained…yet.
It’s going to be ever so snug in winter.
A candle will probably be enough to heat it.
The trees will keep it cool in summer.
And with a screen tent on a big deck – what more do I need?
Just that the money holds out to the end
And that my Muse doesn’t desert me.
To Bill and Jim, with thanks.
Now the tumbledown shed-that-was
Has windows, a door and French doors,
Vinyl siding and a red metal roof,
Flower beds and a deck outside,
An Aubusson-style carpet,
Two crystal chandeliers,
A Henredon couch,
A big desk and computer,
And lots and lots of bookcases filled with books
all around the walls.
The ugly shed that was falling off the side of the mountain
had metamorphosized.
It had become a b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l
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