20191024 001062 10 minutes Camping, Memories, Princess Di’s Funeral, Skunk, [...]
20191024 001062 10 minutes Camping, Memories, Princess Di’s Funeral, Skunk, [...]
20191002 001045 10 minutes Turning Points, Memories, Marmaduke, They’ve vanished. [...]
20191002 001044 3 minutes Musings, Seasons, Hopeful, Optimism That song [...]
20191001 001041 2-1/2 minutes. Fall, Changing Seasons, Hibernation, It was [...]
20190926 00140 5 minutes Political, Musings, Golden Rule Indeed, what [...]
Memoir, reality, countrylife, salt free, DIY, survival, blood pressure, vegitarian, [...]
Homesteading: Laugh and the World Laughs with you Cry, and [...]
Where did it go? 20190816 00133 6 minutes It’s such [...]
Macrame, musings, that's life, 20190912 00115d 3 minutes Will my [...]
Ratatouille, vegetables, canning, farm stands, farm stores, NYS, canning, preserving, [...]